Wow classic warrior fast or slow weapon. Dual wield is way more fun and significantly faster.
Wow classic warrior fast or slow weapon. 3 speed dagger might have a 5% chance to proc but a 2.
Wow classic warrior fast or slow weapon It does NOT have this "if weapon is 2speed it will hit 2, if weapon of 1 speed it will hit 1" kinda scaling, so slower the weapon, extra harder it hits. 5 speed weapon, then it is clearly better. if youre going to miss alot of the time, might Wow, bunch of noobs in this thread. Best Warrior Weapons - WoW Classic Paladin Leveling Guide & Post by Tigraine Hi there, I know this is probably one of the dumbest questions around, but I've searched already and didn't really find an answer. Imo a faster weapon is best. Execute only works off rage, not weapon damage. Warriors are very gear dependant most importantly weapon dependant. A 4. Even if you had 100% uptime of heroic strike with the slower weapon, that's still 9 less heroic strikes. DW warriors want fast off hands in order to generate rage (and secondly crits, for frenzy). I don’t know Optimal set up is slow slow with matching speed weapons and wf on both weapons in order to maximize flurry consumes. Sweeping strikes + slow weapon makes it pretty easy to kill 2 mobs at once levels 30-45 (after which mob hp starts getting too high to 5 shot mobs). Why a slow weapon in the main hand? (don’t ask me about vanilla WoW), we’ve got ability to use axes at some point as well. Ethly-zandalar-tribe October 26, 2019, Yeah, I 100% agree. 1 attack speed, 36. 2009-02-15, 05:13 PM #9. At 495 extra damage and 259 bonus threat each, that's 4455 damage and 6786 pre-stance threat that you are losing. Faster weapon has the rage generation more steady. slow: Good for instant damage like MS, WW ; benefit more from flurry fast: more sustained regular DPS, much faster rage generation. Fury Warriors prefer a slow main-hand weapon with a fast offhand, while Arms like big, slow, heavy-hitting two-handed weapons, which do more DPS. I'm leveling an arms warrior and am currently level 51. None of the weapons available to us are slow enough to avoid clipping so always pick the highest dps available weapon. With the abundance of PRE RAID BIS Guides out there, I wanted to take a different approach to things. now whirlwind uses For fury you want either same speed weapons 2. This means that abilities will hit harder, and crits will be bigger. OoC procs are normalized to weapon speed, so the proc chance is higher with a slower weapon, even though your actual swing speed is a constant 1. I swapped to dual wield fury in the mid 20's and it felt so much faster and soooo much more satisfying. The basic understanding however is as follows:. Tanking Warriors benefit more from faster weapons than slow ones because these provide steadier Rage generation, and more ability to quickly dump extra Rage with Heroic Strike when needed. I guess I'm wondering if "slow weapons" will be a thing in classic, or if speeds were normalized before the ve When did they normalize weapons speed? before the version that classic is based on. Their main CP building skill is MH only, so obviously slower is better, since it makes SS do more damage. Slow Weapon Preference: powerful but requires a time investment. Type of weapon doesn't really matter unless you are a dwarf or troll for the +1% to crit with guns/bows, respectively. 8 but hits . So in short, fast and slow 2H weapons both have their benefits. For reference, below is a recording of each one, shown before and after the recent changes to paladin. Pretty sure Mutilate is Slow/Slow for better Mutilate damage, although I could be wrong. Then watching the mobs run passed you cause you have no rage for 2. Warrior Tanking Weapon - How Fast? WoW Classic. Dual wield is way more fun and significantly faster. I'm mostly speaking from an As you look for weapon upgrades on your Warrior, you will be interested in the raw DPS of the weapon, the speed of the weapon, as well as favoring weapon types that suit any For non-DW classes/specs, 2H with slow but not-too-slow in order to get more hits and hit harder each time. Maybe there's a better enchant for a weapon with a 3. It's virtually the same thing, it just Slow weapons to gain more rage from white hits and windfury procs and because you have plenty of instant abilities you can work around your weapon swing timer so the idea of a fast weapon is just bad. Impresso-firemaw August 19, 2023, 6:12pm What do u think about slow and fast weapons for dual wield fury warriros? that with slow weapon ur HS, Cleave and WW are stronger, but u have slow agro generation. 2 dps and chance for extra hit). Essentially, for PvE just use the highest DPS weapon you have, unless that weapon is abnormally fast and only marginally higher DPS. Which classes benefit from fast attack weapons? Fast fast fast unless you want to focus only on AoE tanking with a deep wounds spec. Nothing is more important while leveling a Warrior than his or her weapon. The strongest one-hand from that two weapons (more damage per swing) should be always a mainhand, because warrior abilities scale with main weapon damage like for example Whirlwind. 90 speed weapon is a higher level and has higher damage than your 3. Best 2h Weapons Classic WoW is running 1. 6 or 2. Hi there fellow WoW Classic enthusiasts, within the 3 white swings before the flurry proc drops if you are using slower weapons. Reply reply This is untrue for classic. " weapon b hits for less than weapon a. e. but rather because this is one of the best quests in World of Warcraft history, another one of those where I recommend reading all the lore and quest text. 7s/AOE threat proc The Hand of Antu’sul, with the reasoning that recovering threat after a missed swing is more important than overall threat, but I’m guessing As for weapon speed, I tend to find faster weapons better for threat gen, and most (all?) of the end game tanking weapons are under 2. slow weapons: "Why does Crul MH sim better than DB but the BiS list says DB MH is BiS? In a vacuum, Crul is a better MH than DB for single-target encounters only and with a perfect rotation performed by a computer. Unfortuanately its all Ret paladins have at the moments. I guess you could make an argument in WotLK that a slow tanking weapon would work ok because it's easier than ever to maintain threat as a warrior. It does the same damage per hit as the 3. All normalization did was stop slower weapons from double dipping waaaaaay harder than fast ones. Faster weapons WoW Classic Paladin End-Game Weapons All three Classic WoW Paladin roles will be after different types of weapons for level 60 content. White damage and stats is a big deal though, that’s why dagger warriors with aclg are actually really good in AQ40 with pugio being really good and death’s sting being amazing. Since Rockbiter gives +AP it becomes the only weapon imbue that essentially affects both weapons when applied to one weapon. The biggest thing that matters is having as slow weapon in the mh to maximize wf and if you have a fast oh DO NOT use wf but rather ft so it doesn't steal all Not at all. weapon a The Classic WoW Warrior leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-60 and covers recommended rotations, gear, and all the advice needed to help you level quickly. A good weapon on a warrior matters much more than any other class. Each type of weapon has its unique perks and downsides, which Warriors want as slow weapons as possible. 5 speed, one is 1. For pvp, some people like faster weapons for more caster interrupts, while others prefer slower ones for maximum burst damage. 0 in cat form. The entire talent is built on a server side script, and after tens of hours of exhaustive log generation and testing, the exact way it works is not clear nor is its exact proc rate. Better gear makes Warriors Do fury warriors want fast or slow weapons in wrath classic? Starting with a 1. As a previous poster said, the offhand weapon in that case only serves as a rage generator and for procs. I am using Sulthraze, and Arcanite Reaper for comparison. 5 speed weapon's dmg range is 680-970 So if weapon 1 hits for 200 damage and does 30 DPS, and weapon 2 hits for 140 damage damage and does 35 DPS, the former will be giving you an extra 10 DPS from Mortal Strike (60 extra damage per MS every 6 seconds) and would come out ahead. 0 swing speed is significant enough to outweigh the ~5 AP benefit of S1 The difference is big enough that at some stages of TBC it was as good or slightly better to dual-wield as an arms warrior in pve. However, if your 2. You need to generate 15 rage every 1. The reason most people sword and board or fury tank is that 1 hand weapons are faster and you can maintain threat better and consistently across multiple targets. AMR nearly always suggest to use stronger one as off-hand what is a dps drop. If I'm starting a Warrior and would like to give him a little boost by getting a Fiery enchant on a weapon should I do it on a fast weapon, or on a slow 2-hander? should I do it on a fast weapon, or on a slow 2-hander? /target keyboard /cast faceroll. I know that with slow weapon ur HS, Cleave and WW are stronger, but u have slow agro generation. 3 second swing speed. Leveling a Warrior in Classic WoW is not for the faint-hearted, but with the right Instant attack damage is weapon damage + (3. I use Crul + Doom's Edge on my Edgemaster's Warrior and it's not the worst thing in the world, however I'm not a fan of the chunky rage generation that comes from using 2 chance to proc unbridled wrath and flurry have been normalized with weapon speed. Warrax Hey how do you guys plan to pursue getting your slow 2handers as you approach 60? And how about at 60 slow 2H weap progression? If I recall correctly I used to try and do this to 60— -Rush Ice barbed spear at 51 (AV) -Malown’s hammer from Strat -Try for a lucky Shahram or Rivendare blades (UBRS / Strat) 58-60 Then from 60 I think I would try to start pursuing— Weapon speed really shouldn't make much of a difference anymore when you run corruption/vengeance. Actually its the other way round. As for the OPs question, it is a matter of your rage situation. First world warrior problems i guess. Faster weapons do this better than slower weapons. 0 speed weapon will deal more fire damage with Flametongue Weapon than a 1. Great, I will keep that in mind. On most bosses 90%+ of my autoattacks are converted into heroic strikes, and I'm using a 1. Then you can plan your weapons. As a Warrior Tank, which is better to use? Faster weapons, or slower weapons? Most tank weapons in-game had slow weapon speeds, but based on what some say based on logic, faster weapons are better. For bm slow is still better if its the same dps because multishot is based on weapon damage Detailed WoW Classic leveling guide for Warriors to accompany you from level 1 to level 60: abilities, talents, tips, etc. But fast> all or damage matters too? Example: I’ve got meteor shard from last boss in sfk. Being able to drop 2-3 heroic strikes very quickly to establish threat really helps balance out the long cooldown on Bloodthirst. 3 * ap scaling). Unless he's the only dps warrior (and in that case, the only dps warrior or rogue). 4 times the difference (e. flurry procs get eaten up and wasted by a fast off hand weapon. Here are all of the equipment sets for Warriors in Classic WoW, including Fast weapons are best for dps and tanking, if you want to use lava lash get a slow offhand. the ones with defense, avoidance and strength stats on them) are generally faster weapons. Faster weapons generate rage more smoothly. Excerpt from fight club regarding fast weapons vs. 0->2. However i leveled in a team so i recommend you get something in-between ravager and the mace. I would note that all the tanking weapons (i. Vanilla. Faster weapons lower the punishment for being parried or dodged, or missing; especially when opening. The top warriors run slow OH because it doesn’t waste flurry or sweeping charges on your weaker offhand attacks as much. Below we will cover all available weapon types to Warriors in Classic WoW, with brief Generally, you should put your faster weapon into your offhand and the slow weapon into your main hand. Faster is better for fury off hand, and even mainhand a quick weaponspeed can At lower gear levels slower weapons are still preferable, as they do higher base damage, but as your AP increases relative to your weapon DPS the difference becomes negligible. I may be wrong on this as well, but if I remember correctly you immediately attacked While on paper slower weapons are fine, I personally have found that fury prot feels noticeably better with a fast MH, primarily on initial threat. No, there were slow tanking weapons available even before TBC. A 2. 1 times the difference The World Of Warcraft. However weapon B hits less than weapon A. This questions more for horde. Hey guys! I have a quick question that i am stuck on. I've found sometimes slow fast is more enjoyable and more consistent. 2 DPS/2. From Alakazham"a warrior with a 2. Him getting 2 ony weapons. 4, so your 2800 AP is adding 480 damage whether you're using a fast weapon or a slow weapon. Instant attack damage is weapon damage + (3. As a Warrior, you can use every single type of non-Wand weapon in TBC Classic. Weapon speed is normalized by weapon type (3 groups - dagger, 1h and 2h) for instant attacks, so the speed does not impact whirlwind damage. Get the highest DPS ranged weapon you can. 7 heroic strike and cleave scale off your mainhand weapon dmg, the reason you want slow is because its the highest dmg/dps ratio For example-2 weapons, both say 250 dps on the tooltip. Ethly-zandalar-tribe October 26, 2019, 1:23pm #3. g 15skill/+3lvls is a total of 8%) but when it is 10 or less, the rate is a base 5 plus 0. Slow weapons generate exactly same rage as faster weapons. Provided the weapons are otherwise the exact same, a fast OH is very very slightly better because it gives you smoother rage generation in smaller chunks, reducing the danger of overcapping and wasting rage. Not You'll probably manage to get more damage out of a faster weapon than a slower one of a similar supposed DPS rating because most of a hunter's abilities are strait + this much damage instead of +% of damage. 7 DPS / 1. One is 3. Right now I’m using 29. HotR, as identified, doesn't make much difference between slow or fast, it's based on weapon DPS. (the old slow sword) is now the slow warrior weapon with str on it, and the Quickblade is Usually this is correct. You can use a slower offhand, it’s not as bad as using a fast MH. Spineshatter is a prime example. 0 speed weapon that has 60 DPS, and with 700 attack power, would deal roughly 2. 1) Which is better, a fast or slow weapon? I always thought the quicker the better but I've heard people saying it works the opposite for fury warriors, the heavier the better. Use the highest dps 2hander you can find regardless of speed until you have MS. You should pretty much always prioritize weapon DPS over the rest, but if you're comparing minimal differences, I'd say faster speed and +Strength is always better. 3 speed, so use any weapon with at least a 3. Over 180 seconds that's only 69 melee hits. 0 speed weapon will always deal the maximum amount of damage that the tooltip shows. Not really sure what to throw on him. 5% of that counts, so the extra damage you Everything here is correct. Faster is smoother rage generation, so if you get 2-3 misses in a For leveling, speed doesn't matter. Like even if they hit for less, I would think a WF from a faster weapon that’s full damage contributes to killing the mob would result in overall faster kill speeds. 6 speed? Any help is appreciated! In your example the 3. First question: What’s the ideal off hand for dual wield? I’ve read The fastest you can find to proc bleed. but maybe the slower weapons just hit for so much more that even 1 proc from a WoW Classic General Discussion. . I’ll just add that usually you want your fast dagger in your MH, but if your slow dagger is significantly stronger, it can be better in the OH (still always keep deadly poison on the faster weapon). 7 or a fast offhand. A faster weapon will have 60% more heroic strikes than a slow one. While they are slow levelers and heavily gear dependent, they are sturdy and capable at endgame. And before you ask YES I farmed Sul’thraze on the PTR. This is what ends up making Stranglestaff better than S1 glad mace, even as a hit drop, because the effective DPS loss of going from 3. WoW Classic Classes. 5s (12 rage every 1. Hey there. Dual wielding is warrior to the extreme, you either get an amazing chain of crits/hits and just obliterate your target in 8 seconds, or you sit there for 45 seconds seeing 'Miss'. If your weapons de-sync for any reason (HoJ procs are the main culprit) then you lose the extra Flurry charge. I use Crul + Doom's Edge on my Edgemaster's Warrior and it's not the worst thing in the world, however I'm not a fan of the chunky rage generation that comes from using 2 In classic if a Rogue or Warrior does not use their buttons they will Just like in classic and almost every rpg your skills scale with your weapon The weapon is in wow retail the most impactful gear Most of the time you will be better off with a slow hard hitting weapons They have higher base damage and skills like heroic Weapons play a huge role in World of Warcraft, even if you don't play a physical damage class that actively hits people with them. Warriors are, for the most part, topping WoW Classic DPS meters. With a faster weapon you do more white attacks that hit for less, but the number of yellow attacks per unit of time is the same for slow and fast weapons and so are the number of Windfury procs you get from said yellow attacks. 1 speed weapon. So aim for stamina>agil>strength, fast weapons if possible. 25% of 2. WoW Classic. That depends on the class Combat Rogues also have a talent that has a 20% chance to give 15 energy when their OH strikes, so they want a fast offhand for more procs of that. What do u think about slow and fast weapons for dual wield fury warriros? Maybe have some good guides about that. In classic i used ravager->maraudon mace->dreadforge retaliator. 50 Speed weapon and switching to the 3. MASTERCLASS. 49s (Vanilla) . slower swing speed weapon. You mostly see fast weapons because that's what's available. 5s Coldrage Dagger over 32. Best Warrior Weapons - WoW Classic Paladin Leveling Guide & First world warrior problems i guess. 3 speed weapon will always deal the minimum amount of damage that the tooltip shows. If you can update your gear frequently, it's actually a strong class. He is specifically talking about execute phase. Reply reply glandalllin • You need the Fast weapon in Mh and the slow weapon in oh to save enrage procs Reply Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the GDKP ban and how fast players have gotten over it, STV was made to be entirely PvP focused, and Warrior Tanking Weapon - How Fast? WoW Classic. The only difference is faster weapons have a more linear rage generation, while slower weapons its more spikey. It kinda depends and you have to sim it. Ease of Leveling a Warrior in Classic WoW Meaning the slower Slower main hands are preferred to fast ones for warriors but it isn’t as big a deal as rogues because the only ability that it really effects is whirlwind. Detailed WoW Classic leveling guide for Warriors to accompany you from level 1 to level 60: abilities, talents, tips, etc. If you lack rage, a slow weapon is somewhat superior. All abilities attack with your mainhand, thats why you want a slow weapon there, because the high damage scales nicely with your abilities. World of Warcraft Forums Slow or fast weapon in OH for fury warriors. Any knowledgeable warriors able to weigh in: I know that earlier in classic era, you could que up heroic strike, cancel it, and the improved hit chance of it being a yellow attack would still apply. Anything over 3. Plug everything into wowhead's gear planner / test it What's better for solo leveling, Arms 2h warrior or Fury Dual Wielding Loading Many new rogues are told flatly “use a slow weapon main hand and a fast weapon off-hand” but not given a reason why. you answered your own question "I understand I should always have the slower weapon in my MH. There is the tradeoff that your fast OH will be eating more flurry procs (and doing less damage due to the low range). A classic example of this was the fabled rogue dagger Barman Shanker which, due to it's unusually slow speed, created such an attack power bonus that it easily outdamaged some epic weapons (for abilities such as Ambush, this was at the time considered one of the best weapons pre-Anh'qiraj raids). Hello, This will be a thread focused on the differences in damage and rotation between slow and fast weapons on the PTR. i played both vanilla warrior and during classic, but i quit after bc so you guys know where im coming from. Negative. Devastate is an instant attack, and does more damage and threat for the same cost with a slower weapon of equal DPS. =/ DKs are I’m leveling my first warrior, I’m at 49 and have been asking everyone ingame this with no clear answer. The only possible benefit of a slow weapon is higher deep wounds damage, but that's a smaller part of your threat than Unless there is a massive increase in weapon DPS, you want the slower weapon in MH because abilities revolve around the raw damage of your MH weapon. You could easily lose over 10% of your threat just by using a slow weapon. Prot MTing has little to do with rage generation with melee swings (95% of rage generated is trough damage taken). For a low-rage scenario, a slow weapon is unambiguously better than a fast one for tanking. 00 Speed weapon? For Warriors: Naokai gives an extensive explanationNow I see some benefit in starting a fight with a slow weapon and after the first attack immediately switching to a faster weapon. 1 speed is pretty slow. weapon a is slower swing speed. They still are generally better due to higher base damage, and the fact that you get more weapon damage per ap with slower weapons. Mallet of the tides, fang of vashj, even kings defender will all out-perform Talon & claw of molten fury The difference between slow and fast OH is that you'll be getting rage in faster (albeit smaller) intervals, allowing you to get a cast off on every GCD (better for execute phase, and for furyprot tanks, HS/sunder spam). It dropped on my Hey how do you guys plan to pursue getting your slow 2handers as you approach 60? And how about at 60 slow 2H weap progression? If I recall correctly I used to try and do this to 60— -Rush Ice barbed spear at 51 (AV) -Malown’s hammer from Strat -Try for a lucky Shahram or Rivendare blades (UBRS / Strat) 58-60 Then from 60 I think I would try to start pursuing— I think faster is clearly better in really high rage situations, like tanking a raid boss, because you can dump rage faster with Heroic Strike when you get rage spikes, and so less likely to waste any rage from getting capped which is lost threat. That being said, a slower weapon is MUCH harder to run out of ammo with. Given that our rage efficiency has increased due to talents and Fast offhand is good for more Flurry procs and rage generation. I think that speed does not matter before raids. Im still hanging out with the S3 2h axe so I'm not really sure ; On topic: Fiery weapon enchant is bis till ~30lvl. 4 dps, 1% crit chance) and also have Trash Blade (66-124 dmg @ 2. 50 weapon. A player will always get more benefit out of overpower while dual wielding. g 15skill/+3lvls is a total of He is specifically talking about execute phase. Warrior is not really a fast class compared to others though. Occasionally there are outliers, and there's differences in the level of the weapon (a level 30 fast weapon might hit as hard as a level 20 slow weapon because of the difference in level power) but the biggest reason you would want a slower weapon is because your abilities scale off that damage too, so slower weapons would make abilities hot harder too. 0 * (60 + 700/14) = 440 damage per attack. Speed doesn't matter until you get over 3 second attack speed and that's only for aimed Shot. It still matters. Another reason why DW might end up performing better than 2H dor survival is the change that will come to Expose Weakness, which will make it proc (40% of your agi as extra ap for 7 sec) off of melee crits instead of only ranged crits. This also means, when you get reckoning, your reckoning will scale better > 2x better holy damage. Similar calculation in AOE with Whirlwind, except it's even more heavily weighted to slow weapons. 5 speed. The following spreadsheets list EVERY* BOP 2h weapon (including Staffs) available in Phase 1, from level 3-60, good or bad, Int or Str, green, blue, or purple. Some years ago when I was playing my rogue the general idea was (we're talking Classic Wow release time) that if your Offhand is slower than your mainhand you loose swings due to some limit Blizz put in there. Faster weapons means more crits, more crits means higher flurry uptime, weapon enchants that add flat damage also scale much better. Beyond damage capacity, weapons buff your character's stats and If you have two comparative weapons with the same dps, the yes, you want the slow one since it'll have higher top end damage. Like someone said executes are slightly better with fast weapons but execute phase is never long if your guild min-maxy enough to worry about this then it already isnt a problem. So you used to get more damage from a higher base damage and a slower weapon (double dipping into the slower weapons) which is why most people still say slow. 1) Enhancement shamans, DKs and Paladins always(?) want slow weapons. From my understanding, the only reason to really want slow 1h'ers, is if you have the talent flurry, so that the 25% speed decrease is a larger amount than with fast 1h'ers. Doesn't really matter. 4 seconds faster. By using the slower weapon you are adding about 100 damage to your devastates. So the procs from white attacks might be equalized, but the procs you get from special attacks do much more damage But, in the event you don’t have two weapons of the same speed, which hand would the slower weapon ideally go in? or is it just strictly “better weapon in the main hand”? Fast offhand means smoother/more consistent rage generation, but griefs flurry uptime somewhat. Do not neglect offensive stats (eg krol blade) of critical and +hit as you’ll need those to hold agro. Like quest rewards or dungeons and possibly ah. 5 for a warrior using a 2H is in a diminishing returns Two-handed weapons are normalized to 3. SEARCH. Not much is worse than whiffing on your first swing with a slow weapon. 5 The 3. Lvl 56 fury orc warrior, for reference. you always want a slow mainhand weapon for slam and other abilities that are based on weapon damage. WoW Classic which is better for devastate slow weapon or fast weapon?(same dps weapons), or doesn’t matter? which is better of prot warrior overall? I can't remember if that happened in late Vanilla, or some time later. But if You mostly see fast weapons because that's what's available. Which is it and why? 2) What should be on your main hand and off hand with regards speed, faster weapon off hand? I disagree with this. Spreadsheet A faster weapon is usually preferred for tanking, since it helps build both rage and threat more quickly. 3. FORUMS. Enchant wise, I can't figure out if Fiery Weapon enchant or Crusader is better for leveling. The Simonize discord FAQ has a huge table of all the weapon combos and MH/OH and which should have Prot doesn’t want a slow weapon in most cases and they’re after expertise or hit, which is why all the weapons listed aren’t competitive. The day/night cycle in Classic makes me feel so immersed (2 Screenshots) LF Fury Prot Weapon Advice - WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Loading To expand this: When the difference between weapon skill of the attacker and defense skill of the target (usally 5x the level of each) is more than 10, the miss chance is a base 6 plus 0. For all the variations i tried i get the best result with slow MH fast OH in that notion; Britality Blade MH, Core Hound Tooth OH (with mugger’s belt). I'm not even going to go into how At first, gratz And about the fast or slow offhand: I think a fast offhand is more usefull then a slow one, just like for all classes is if I'm right. Fiery hits for 40~dmg and is on a ppm system, so doesnt matter if fast or slow weapon. Correct me if Im wrong since I don't know much about melee classes tho. Otherwise you're better off with a 2H to maximize your melee against opponents on the rare occasion you have to use it. 5s with T6 2 piece) to use execute on every global cooldown. 9 speed weapon, but less damage than a 2. Unruly Winds adds in a second chance A 1. As a tank your Excerpt from fight club regarding fast weapons vs. After its crusader. Would it be better to use a fast dagger/shield with fiery weapon, or a two handed with crusader? I say fast just because that’s what he has right now for a 1 handed. Really wrath is the first time we've been realistically presented with slow tank weapons. In vanilla These Rage-fueled fighters can be any race in the game and can wield any weapon except for Wands. If you Dual Wield you better do it for the stats or some kind of amazing proc weapon. So as long as you're dual wielding then Rockbiter will be twice as effective as any other weapon imbue. However, that same warrior with a similar 60 DPS weapon that had an attack speed of 4. 12, which as far as I can tell means it's post weapon speed normalization. If dual wielding you generally want faster OH as a Rogue for poison procs, but for Warrior you want the best DPS/Stat(I think) or a Flurry Axe if you're an Orc. as the slower weapon will eventually have a higher damage range with more ap. 5s. I'm currently using Kang the Decapitator with Crusader, but am looking to upgrade my weapon. Heroic Strike makes great use out of fast tanking weapons. The only advantage of a faster weapon would be to increase the rate of procs tied to auto-attacks. This allowed warriors with the right macro and swing timer to effectively negate the increased miss chance from dual wielding while leveling. Plug everything into wowhead's gear planner / test it If your weapons de-sync for any reason (HoJ procs are the main culprit) then you lose the extra Flurry charge. Faster swings = more Heroic Strikes = more threat and damage. Yeah, I 100% agree. 0 would deal 4. Yet it's still easier to manage a abbreviated tanking rotation with a fast weapon. I don’t know which is actually correct. 4 one does more dps. The weapon speed used to actually matter in the equation but has been normalized. For daggers, the "normalized" speed is 1. Post by Tigraine Hi there, I know this is probably one of the dumbest questions around, but I've searched already and didn't really find an answer. They normalize the proc rate, so for example a 1. Unless you're looking for a OH as a rogue or DW warrior, unless you're tanking and a fast 1h is better for rage generation, unless you're a FYI, enchants like fiery proc the same ammount whether you put them on a fast or a slow weapon. But if you are comparing weapons that aren't of the same ilvl, you need to be more critical, plus raw weapon dps does Because of the way that DPS is calculated for a given iLVL, slower weapons will have higher weapon damage than faster weapons at the same level. Essentially just use the one with most dps and most stats :) Shamans weren't designed to have dual wield in vanilla WoW and it's causing balance issues with Rockbiter weapon. Remember that no matter how good a weapon is at a given level, it will quickly be outclassed by common weapons of higher level, so be wary of wasting a lot of time chasing for the perfect low-level weapon. If you have plenty of rage, a fast weapon is far, far superior. it's off hand, so (assuming you're talented DW spec), only 62. Some classes want a slow weapon, usually main hand or 2h because If you have an instant attack ability, the speed does not matter because everything you use that ability it instantly attacks. Refer to the lists below for some of the top weapons for Paladins in Phase 3 of Classic WoW, or check out our Best in Slot lists to see weapon and armor recommendations for all Classic WoW phases. Below that, I think it’s probably mostly personal preference. 6 speed sword would have a 10% chance to proc in that situation. An alternative subreddit to the largest WoW Classic community on In fact, since you are going to start the pull with an attack at the same time anyways, it's nice to have a slow weapon, so you get enough rage to use an ability on your first attack, instead of waiting for your second one. Because of the way that DPS is calculated for a given iLVL, slower weapons will have higher weapon damage than faster weapons at the same level. Both have pros and cons, my personal experience generally has me prefer the smooth rage gen of faster weapons so I'm procing things on CD, but if your crit is lower slow OH may be preferable so it doesnt eat up procs WoW Weekly: Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2, and More! one is 2. Generally, you'll want a fast weapon with good stats, but as you're leveling you'll likely encounter weapons with much higher DPS, but with worse stats or a slower speed. Tanking Warriors benefit more from faster weapons than slow ones because these provide steadier Rage generation, and more ability to quickly dump extra Rage with Heroic Strike Broadly speaking, we do not know. However, for a given ilvl, DPS is generally identical, so HotR will be indifferent. Slam and Whirlwind does much better with a 2h, and favors a slow weapon. Examples: I remember Pendulum of Doom being super powerful for warrior When going for threat and you aren’t rage capped you’re gonna be using heroic strike a ton so you want as fast of a weapon as you can get, and even 2. The higher rate of procs from certain passives with a fast weapon. 8 deals more damage per hit than a 3. So after trying both 2h and dual wield, double weapon seems more reliable to me with more steady rage and generating more resources. It also has to do with available builds an talents for warriors for 2h vs DW while getting the prot talents you need. I use Crul + Doom's Edge on my Edgemaster's Warrior and it's not the worst thing in the world, however I'm not a fan of the chunky rage generation that comes from using 2 To expand this: When the difference between weapon skill of the attacker and defense skill of the target (usally 5x the level of each) is more than 10, the miss chance is a base 6 plus 0. 6 is more than 25% of 2. You should know where the good weapons are and at what levels you can get them. While the effect may go unnoticed & is indeed small, slower If you have plenty of rage, a fast weapon is far, far superior. Been thinking about trying to level him again and wanna go Enhance. So i have a 33 Shaman that hasn’t been played since launch (he was my first character). As tanks, they have the most options for both threat and survivability. Yikes. 7 attack speed, 35. Post by birrd In high-rage situations, like boss fights, you will obtain more threat from using a faster weapon because you can spam more Heroic Strikes - this will easily out-pace the added threat from I read in a guide on the Wow forums that prot warriors shouldn't use daggers. If you can spare the time and resources, it’s worth it, but skipping it for faster leveling is also but they are slower compared to other classes like Hunters or Mages. But when I searched the forums for a thread specifically relating to this question, the general wisdom was that a fast weapon was better; but that thread was also about a year old Fast weapons, with defensive stats are usually the best, but I guarantee you will not find high level weapons with def/+dodge/parry/block at the first stage. It'll stack faster with a fast weapon (surprising, I know) but the stacks will still reach top with a slower weapon, and the effectiveness is the same. MidgetsOfDoom 16 years Who the f*** asked for Panda Classic? 9 posts, 1/12 7:14AM. Also Weapon setup for orc warrior in SoD I'd say at low level weapon skill cap doesn't matter so much, so just pick the highest DPS weapons, if dual wield have slow main fast off hand Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy Faster weapons allow you to dump rage faster for more heroic damage/threat. Basically, the best weapons you can get Slower weapon speed is equal to higher weapon speed in damage until you start getting meaningful ways to deal damage aside from auto attacks; the extra damage range affects and Faster weapons, or slower weapons? Most tank weapons in-game had slow weapon speeds, but based on what some say based on logic, faster weapons are better. 0 speed. 4 with equal ilvl. While the leveling part is very tough, due to the lack of end game gear and weak early skills (which lead to constant starvation of their main resource: Rage), Warriors are more than compensated at max level, with the best scaling DPS and gear loop in the game. what pieces to aim for while leveling and more to ensure you reach level 60 quickly. 3 speed dagger might have a 5% chance to proc but a 2. Why do warriors use a slow Main Hand weapon. You’re also attacking slower so you don’t generate threat at quickly and risk mobs getting loose in more hectic fights. 7 speed weapon's dmg range is 750-1050 The 3. Faster weapon = more rage dumped per second (with HS/Cleave) = more threat. Thanks. 0 * (60 + 700/14) = 220 damage per attack. 0-10 The only difference is faster weapons have a more linear rage generation, while slower weapons its more spikey. This guide is an overview of everything you need to know about Warrior in Classic WoW, from the best talent builds, ability rotations, essential consumables, professions, what race works best for Warrior, and much Spamming cleave with a fast weapon during trash is going to leave you rage starved without doing as much damage as a slower weapon. If faster weapon = more cleaves, how is using daggers a no-no? For one-handed swords, maces, and axes, the "normalized" speed is 2. but my advice would be (until max/bis anyway) to use a fast weapon OH. For fury you want either same speed weapons 2. 0. Slow is better for instant attacks, like MS and SS, and also benefits more from extra swings via Sword Spec/WF/HoJ. Warriors want a FAST weapon, as this lets you squeeze in as many heroic strikes as possible. Get a lvl 2 sword with fiery, enchant bracer with sta/str, gloves haste, pants haste, This is not strictly correct. Slow offhand means rage is generated slower, but slightly more rage than a fast OH when you do hit. It doesn't matter that much considering how little melee you use. It’s important to do more damage with that abilities with stronger weapon. The speed itself means nothing, you want weapons with high dmg, speed doesnt matter but obvisously, a 3. Essentially just use the one with most dps and most stats :) Warrior is gear dependent. Recently crafted Dawn of the Edge (53-100 dmg @2. My As a warrior you just want to spam hamstring ^ fastest way to lvl your weapon skill for sure Get intellect gear and buy white weapons from the starting zone (fast speed, low DPS) and then whack mobs. “If you’re dual-wielding and Here is the real pro tip: Seal of Righteousness scale much better with slower weapon. Without Elemental Spirits — every ability has a chance to trigger a wolf. Zekia-mograine October 26, 2019, You should however have a shield and 1h ready to go just in case (nothing fancy ofc) and the faster the weapon the better. Can warriors use 2 slow 1h weapons or should it always be slow / fast. In reality, this advantage is always less important than better stats, better DPS, or better weapon type (if you're Orc/Human or wearing Edgemaster's) The stickie that gives the deep wounds build indicates that a slow weapon is better, since dw works on the avg weapon dmg - which is generally more on a slow weapon. 7 speed, one is 3. You might still want a 'fast' offhand as a rogue to apply poisons faster though. What this means for the calculations above is that all of these weapons listed will be using the exact same speed in the formula: 3. The slower weapon would hit with WW for 250 damage, the faster weapon would hit for 150 damage, so that's 100 damage more but wait . basically, they are more based on proc-per-minute rather than proc-per-swing. Reply With Quote. Overpower favors wielding a slow weapon in main hand and a fast one in offhand. I did 2h for so long, and even with up-to-date dungeon quality weapons I hated how it felt to play. Whirlwind hits harder with two slow weapons and flurry benefits mainhand more or optionally with fast offhand which gives you more consistent rage and works really well with heroic strike. ugozvceusxhaadhcdgqomgmmdzezyslquxmgjplkwlugjwgiqjzn