Eazybi case when. Karthikeyan_Radakris .

Eazybi case when #eazyBI #CaseStatementFree Therefore, I addressed them by name. We need to calculate the average time spent by incidents in some statuses, in particular in the To Do category Hi everyone, I have found this article How to culculate "Average" of rows?. Thank you for the assist! Hours spent on any issue. level. Import will create new measures with any date (Original est. It make in Measure. CASE WHEN --avoid dividing by zero [Measures]. I managed to create such report for 1 project, but if I add 2 or more projects it calculates percents from overall sum for all projects. Best wishes, Elita from support@eazybi. It’s a risk severity value. Arguments. Member_Expression: MDX expression that returns a member. Case Studies Continue reading. Get(‘Date entrée TAC’)) THEN MDX Used in eazyBI. Is it possible to optimize following code? CASE WHEN [Client]. *any. [Issue status] MATCHES "Done|Closed" THEN 1 WHEN [Measures]. eazyBI Community ElseIf / CASE ELSE. The most common use cases for calculated Hello, i want to get the sum of the issues in late (by several criterias) for example i want to be able to know haw many issues are in late for more than 10 days. You can try this formula to filter the set of children and return the earliest (by created date) sub-task that has “testing” or “test” substring in issue summary and has the assignee. I created a new calculated measure with the following code in order to get all the statuses: CASE WHEN [Issue]. name = “Sprint” THEN Count( Filter( Hi, Try this code in your case: CASE WHEN [Client]. You are on the righ track, however, the "Case when" structure is picky for formats. Thanks for posting your question! Try the your formula with DateAfterPeriodEnd and DateInPeriod functions in the CASE statement and see if it works for you:. So for example. The Open issues measure shows the number of the unresolved issues at the end of the One of the things I really miss in easyBI reports is that in case of dimensions, while it is possible to use “all labels” or “select multiple labels to include”, we have to define a calculated measure to exclude a specific label case when [Asset am Standort]. [Issues resolved]) Then Hi @Alyssa_A. is that possible? I’ve seen it done with “linked issues” where I actually get hyperlinks to the linked issues. CASE [Label]. CASE WHEN In this use case to create a new issue hierarchy, All Issue types by type” → “Standard” that would exclude all sub-tasks from your report (this is available on eazyBI Cloud or on Hi, The reason why the Open Issues measure shows with the Closed status is that you use the Time dimension in the report rows. If you want to extend the allowed timeframe by 7 days for the issue completion, you might add these extra days to the due date of today. We are currently using the “Open Issues” measure to do this, “CASE WHEN [Issue]. I have an issue type ‘Task’ with a field ‘Task Type’ which specifies the type of the task (Eg: Architecture / Technical / Project Management etc). 5 WHEN [Measures]. [Issue company id], ',', ''))+1) ELSE 0 END It would count the number of values from the issue-level property. This solution works great for changing the Hi @jan-hendrik_woecht,. In this article, I will try to Hi, We need to measure a KPI defined as : average number of days between the arrival of an issue and the resolution of some subtasks. So my account managers are very happy as they see a larger number than they should. Hello, I am new to eazyBI So I have the 2. 06. This report uses the Issue dimension Epic hierarchy representing open epics and issues in open epics. However, the ‘-1’ condition should cover that case. Next, you can add the Time dimension “Day” Hello. Welcome to the eazyBI community! One way to approach this is by adding the Sprint dimension to the report pages and selecting the desired Sprint. Make sure you have those calculated measures with this name defined in eazyBI before you address them. CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue]. [Y] / [Measures]. 0 + release 1. Jira JQL in EazyBI Custom Hello everyone! I’m trying to create a measure that pulls the “issue key” but makes it a clickable link. piotrowska. Yes, you can define the period for the median. Get('Risk consequence') WHEN "Trivial" THEN 1 WHEN "Low" THEN 2 WHEN "Medium" THEN 3 WHEN "High" THEN 4 WHEN "Severe" THEN 5 END Best regards, Nauris Hi guys, I’m trying to filter one measure from another. [Expected Team Size]) CASE [Issue]. For instance, we determine We are wanting to show how many issues are open at one time on EasyBI. I am using DE - Completion Due Date (F2C) as a date field in jira. vanags. [Issues with Progress of resolved issues] > 0 THEN DateDiffDays We have using eazyBi add in to add the widgets in the jira dashboards. I’ve created the Measure “Future Team Size” to get only the expected team size in the future : CASE WHEN DateCompare( now(), [Time]. Case: Lets you conditionally return specific values from multiple comparisons. group = 4 Issue links Hi team, I have a checkbox field (Milestone 1 checklist) that contains certains options. @gerda. How can I modify the “Open Issues”-Formula to exclude also Issues that have no resolution dates but are actually closed? Many Thanks in advance! In eazyBI, you can import issue links and specify which links and for which issue types to import. 25 WHEN [Measures]. In our projects we have 3 ways how do we ‘assign’ Bugs to Epics: Welcome to eazyBI community! You can try creating a calculated measure (with decimal formatting) using this formula. Hi, Try this code in your Hello Community, EazyBI imports data from jira service desk. eazyBI Community Returning custom derived values based on conditional IF THEN Hi everyone! 💫 For eazyBI for Jira Cloud users with Organization or Product admin rights in your Jira instance. Hi @wojo3 Please try this formula: CASE [Issue]. g. How can I get this accomplished? Here is ‘Issues resolved %’ CASE WHEN [Measures]. Note that issue summary is a part of the issue dimension member name and you can apply the MATCHES function to it:. I have created 2 calculated measures: “On time” CASE WHEN [Measures]. These do not use story points only a manually entered percentage. [Stunden]) THEN Median( --set of months to CASE WHEN [Measures]. In this case, you may use function DateBeforePeriodEnd() and check that the first date of each period does not exceed the previous month. The default calculated member All closed sprints uses the formula as one of the filters to validate if the sprint is completed. Harp November 16, 2021, 8:08pm 4. . Name = "Author A" THEN 2 ELSE CASE WHEN Hello, great community! I’m working on different projects in Jira and I’d like to create a custom Measure that will show the number of Bug tickets per Epic. It is taking the total of all before the *. 1) One, and the easiest, way of doing this would be to only import issues that are created after March 21st in that particular account. Questions & Answers. You can import issue links in eazyBI by using advanced settings for custom fields. CurrentHierarchyMember,[Issue]. vanags for some reason when I use this formula, my report disappears. [Dependency Release Date This is what I came up to: CASE WHEN [Sprint]. It shows the number of work items completed on a day versus the number of days, and also the percentiles (95%, 50% and 85%) showing the Martins / eazyBI. Syntax. [Issue Planned Fix Version] THEN 1 END I want to display, All issues, Hi, I calculate the SLA times using the difference in days between transitions and that is OK, only that I would like to calculate that on different SLA Levels such as “Gold” and “Silver” and I was thinking to use CASE statement. If you ever wonder if you are using all of the Issue Types and Issue Type schemes in your Jira and would like to find the unused ones, here’s a rather simple solution that will result in dashboards like this: Disclaimer: In instances with a large number of Projects Hi This is an approach on how to filter the report for the last 5 closed sprints if you have other dimensions in pages which makes the report context. [CommittedSP] does not return value for a case, when the Sprint was started a day earlier compared to the Wed-s. eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence eazyBI Cloud Private eazyBI. JiraDeveloperMD March 15, 2024, Welcome to the eazyBI Community ! You may benefit from Issues cycles that can be defined and imported based on issue statuses. [UAT_Complete]) END It is getting formatting issues, can someone please advise what The measure Days in transition status works for issues that already moved out from the status. [Issue]), -- filter only resolved issues in Discover how to analyze Program Increment data from Easy Agile Programs app with eazyBI. Avg days between two statuses Questions & Answers. I’m trying to create a count of overdue issues over time, split by their status at the time they were overdue. To use this calculation in case the end date is known, you can try to use conditions with CASE WHEN. GetString(‘Severity’) WHEN “H” THEN 5 WHEN “M” THEN 7 WHEN “L” THEN 60 ELSE 600 END Janis, eazyBI support. I am pulling in the custom field “Project Status RYG” to show if those initiatives are Red, Yellow, or Green as updated on their JIRA boards. for the month of January the target is 5, for February it is 9, for March it is 10 and so on Is it possible to do this using CASE ? Or any other way? I have set goal lines in the past by defining a new calculated measure and adding one number to it. Name = “Issue” AND Not eazyBI I would like to add a target line to a chart, where the target would be set differently depending on the Month. 0 THEN ([Measures]. You can’t change the default hierarchy and force any status to another status category in eazyBI. [X] END More details on calculated measures are eazyBI for Jira Calculated field to return the components for the issue and import it as a separate dimension from a multi-value field. Name = "Client B" THEN 1 END My Client field/dimension alredy have Computed member which aggregates them (I am Issue Epic Link and Issue Epic Name are issue properties and eazyBI represent values which are assigned to each issue in Jira. SparkLine has columns with the right values. [Issue Target end] ELSE NOW() END But it gives me this error: Formula is not valid: No function eazyBI tries to detect a result data type and in this case it was not detected. How can I add the Jira project name into a column in an EazyBI report? I realize that I can parse data by dragging the Project dimension to the Pages, but I have a tabular report Here is my code for “Max Age” CASE WHEN [Customer - Program]. Levels("Day"). [Count issues]>0 THEN Val( ([Measures]. [Issue Target end],Now())=-1 THEN [Measures]. 1 + release 2. [Month]. Hi @martins. [Issues All eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence Private eazyBI ConstantColumnValue Calculates the value only once per report execution per each column and stores those values in the cache. Jira stores only case when any issue is added to a particular sprint. [Issue]), DateDiffDays([Me eazyBI Community Trying to get the oldest ticket in each Customer-Program. [In Progress] ) > 0 THEN -- calculates the average days AVG( Filter( Descendants([Issue]. *" THEN 10 END . [Issue fix versions] NOT MATCHES [Measures]. CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Measures]. Name <> ‘Issue’ THEN Cache( NonZero(Sum(Previo Hi @Vu_Tran. Tracking SAFe Progress with Easy Agile and eazyBI. CurrentHierarchyMember) OR -- show current period DateInPeriod( "Today", Hi @Sally_Makhlouf. Name matches "Client South. What I’m trying to do is split a field string with a delimiter and then count how many occurrences I will have. So far I had to create cascading CASE WHEN statements, but it is usually not best practice. DefaultMember THEN SUM( PreviousPeriods( [Time]. e. CASE WHEN [Issue]. [Time from estimate resolved] / [Measures]. In the attached example, it shows issues closed and story points closed per week. 33 is run. Hi, I’m trying to calculate a metric for issues done %. Name = ‘Obsidian Code’ OR Hi, We have the following setup We have a measure called “Total Caused Hours Spent” which uses another measure called “Caused Hours Spent”. You could try returning integer numbers (instead of “string”) in your calculation which eazyBI would understand as numbers Hey, everybody. by Lauma Hi @Bartosz,. jira. best, Gerda // support@eazyBI. Hi @ValorHeart,. Below is what I expect to see in my table: This I hope it gives you a better understanding of the difference in your case. eazyBI-Task-progress-at-each-lelvel 1802×1208 254 KB. vanags September 28, 2018, 12:38pm 2. Thus, excepting one of them doesn’t remove the issue from the equation, as it will show up for the others. [Issue]), --filters issues that have transitioned from in progress status, linked to time by this measure ( [Measures]. Hi, I´m triying to define a calculated member that when a date measure is greater than current day, it shows the current day: CASE WHEN DateCompare([Measures]. For the Issue Epic Gantt chart, the Issue created date and Epic First, make sure you imported the Jira custom field “company id” in eazyBI CASE WHEN Not IsEmpty( [Measures]. In dimensions Status and Transition Status, How is the syntax for my CASE WHEN query to find all items with “Brand_1” and “Brand_2” at the same time? For only “Brand Hello @Michael, If “Brand” is a multivalue field, then my described solution won’t work. And then start to build your report. This is what I came up to: CASE WHEN [Sprint]. (Level1 - Level 2) Ex: if the value L1/L2 categorization field values eazyBI does not import information about Backlog as we import only information stored directly in Issues. Products. Example2. In your report, the “User_defined_dimension” is not used at all, therefore, the measure always returns the default member of this dimensions (with the name “All Hello, I am looking to get an epic percentage progress based on all of its children’s percentage progress. The formula below will switch the Assignee user with Logged by user in the formula. [Issue end date]) CASE WHEN [Measures]. gerda. CurrentHierarchyMember ) ), -- calculate days in current status for each relevant issue CASE WHEN -- check if issue is relevant for the If your Cycle Time Start and Cycle Time End are defined based on certain statuses the issues are moved, Issue Cycles option might be another solution for your use case. DateAfterPeriodEnd: EAZYBI Returns if date is after time period Hello, I need some help with a measure in easybi. The following example will return the maximum number of days between the issue resolution date and the last date when the status was updated. martins. ConstantValue( CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Fix Version]. Example: Field returned - “Ticket 1, Ticket 2, Ticket 3” Outcome needed - 3 Basically, do the count of how many tickets are in 1 field. It will find the Logged by user based on the Assignee user; after the switch, the tuple You can apply the condition in your measure to filter off issues by the issue summary. I have multiple SLA for GOLD and for SILVER, according to the PRODUCT and type (HW or SW) so that I would like to avoid creating as Hi, We have the Expected Team Size during the period of the project in an Excel file used as a source of EazyBI. [Time to resolution - Breached (in period)]) THEN Sum( --set of issues, Hello, I am new to eazyBI So I have the table at the moment, I computed the total (last row) using total of rows but I have no idea how to get to the parts denoted in red an green. Martins / eazyBI team. 2. To ilustrate it, look at this example: Worker 1 has logged 10 hours, so Welcome to eazyBI community! Using a CASE WHEN statement might be quite time-consuming. Custom fields with percentage values could be imported as String values into eazyBI. [Weight created] Right now, I would like to create another calculated measure based on the value of ‘SUM of weights % (Tier 1)’ that returns a text string like the CASE WHEN -- to improve the performance of the formula ( [Measures]. CASE WHEN [Xray Test Execution Status]. I know that it’s a rather convulated way to calculate an “Average time to resolution” The start date is defined as : CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Issue]. [Issue status]="In Progress" THEN 0. If you want to see the summary of all test executions for the Test plan, you can use the default measure “Xray Tests execution summary” in combination with Xray Test Plan dimension. Calculated members and calculated measures can be used to add business logic to a report and a data cube. 0 + release 2. Lee June 28, 2023, 7:42am 5. [Issue status]="Evaulating" THEN 0. Returns a string "Overdue" if the due date is before today. [Transitions to status], [Transition Status]. Each JIRA epic has tasks categorized as Small, Medium and Large tasks. CurrentHierarchyMember. There are two types of case statements: A simple case statement that compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to return specific values. [Issue status updated date], Now() ) ELSE 0 END END ) )` Martins / Hi. [Issue company id] ) THEN Val(Len([Measures]. Hi, You may want to try Case I am using the below measure to get the issues Due in the report. In case eazyBI uses the Mondrian OLAP reporting engine and MDX query language implementation. Hey @martins. [Asset am Standort]. You could try creating a new calculated measure using Descendants and measures “Transition to status first date” NonZero( Avg( Filter( Hi @walterdp. The original expression had some problems, as the DateCompare() function can never return a value greater than +1. [Story]) ) END All eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence Private eazyBI CASE statement Lets you conditionally return specific values from multiple comparisons. We are wanting to show how many issues are open at one time on EasyBI. The formula in your case could look similar to the one below: ( [Measures]. grantina: rename your values. October 16, 2024. [Issues created] > 0 THEN CoalesceEmpty Hi I am new to EazyBI and MDX syntax. [Issue Day 2 Scope In eazyBI, when you want to compare dates, you may want to use some of the specific logical functions for that: DateCompare(), DateInPeriod(), DateBetween() and other. com CASE WHEN [Measures]. Does it return empty for all report rows when you try new formula? Martins / eazyBI. Name instead. Features Integrations Partners Pricing Log in. It works via a case statement. [Issues with Time from estimate resolved] END Both formulas will work for the last/current The custom calculation [Measures]. eazyBI in many cases can’t detect the one correct data type from formulas with CASE condition. com. [Issue affects versions]. [Issues closed], [Label]. [Issue type] = "Sub-task" The sample report Sprint velocity chart in our demo account uses the calculated member All Closed Sprints in Sprint dimension to show only completed sprints in the report. I am I am looking to create a (weekly) report that reflects current Story Points on cases that transition to a status. eazyBI Community Hide drop-downs from pages on dashboard. Here is an In this article, I will show a few tips and tricks on how it is possible to format the measures. Examples. Each issue that has multiple labels selected will have a value for each of the dimension members. Name = “Issue” AND [Linked Bugs]. You would apply a data type conversion explicitly there. @joejames Try this code: CASE WHEN ( [Measures]. For example: release 1. [Issues created] >0 THEN -- retrieve Bugs information . I’d like to accomplish this I need to get the total of a single column (in my case, Hours Spent) and get to know the percentage of the different users that have logged hours. I want- When HI! I wrote it as below, but the value is not available. If you select measure “Issues resolved” then report results would calculate the number of issues resolved in the filtered time period and the Hi, Assuming that you use dynamic date filtering, you could try creating a new calculated measure that would calculate the cumulative results only for the last 3 months (see Hi @m. Hi @bbyoo, The calculated member looks for the selected member of “User_defined_dimension” and retrieves its name - if it matches, then returns the Issue resolved value accordingly. Is there any option if subsquent conditions should contain different variables or comparing methods. [Issue end date]) Hi All, I am trying to get the version release start date from a certain date and also I want to aggregate priority, below is my formula CASE when [Release Version]. Souki_Akhdim April 11, 2023, 8:00pm 3. [Days in transition status] / [Measures]. [Transitions from status] END My Formul CASE WHEN [Measures]. Use the following formula to calculate report results only for certain level from dimension using CASE and CoalesceEmpty functions. I am currently using Hi @Manoj . [Version start date], [Measures]. Try this formula for “Average resolution days when issues created” We are helping LLMs with additional knowledge and examples to make the responses relevant to each specific eazyBI use case. We are using a graphe with following predefined measures to follow-up on SLAs for most of our clients => Time to resolution - Met Time to resolution - Breached Time to resolution - Met % One of our clients has a particularity : issues taken into account should have a “created date” >= a certain date (say Welcome to the eazyBi community! In the formula, you are checking and mapping the value on issue level, therefore, it does not work with higher levels or with other dimensions. [Transitions from status] > 0 THEN [Measures]. 2) Mark issues which should be included in the report In this case, you might want to calculate the Task progress first at the Parent level and then reuse the results for Epic level calculation. [Transitions to status], [Transition The CASE WHEN statement looks for the Logged by Team current member level name. The predefined measure “Open issues” returns issues that do not have a resolution date in Jira. Hi, You may want to try Case when in little bit different way here: CASE [Client]. CurrentMember, [Issue]. I have created a custom measure to convert an issue-level, pick list, custom field into an integer value. Note I just updated the syntax. The following is the query I am using: CASE WHEN Format [Measures]. It will find the Logged by user based on the Assignee user; after the switch, the tuple Hi, The easiest workaround is to wrap the tuple in the Val function: CASE WHEN [Measures]. Is this possible to do? Maybe with MDX? Appreciate any help on this. [X] <> 0 THEN [Measures]. [In Progress => Done]) ) END eazyBI support. [Days in transition status], [Time]. As @Kat Jansen already mentioned, you can try to use the DateDiffDays() function to calculate the difference in days between to dates or the date now. I was requested to reply this Throughput Histogram. [Time]. DefaultMember )) + CASE WHEN [Measures]. Another option is referencing the exact member. is it up ⬆ or down ⬇. [Time from estimate resolved] > 0 THEN [Measures]. tupule November 8, 2019, 12:33pm 2. Account-specific calculated fields are defined in Source Data → Import options. Name = "Customer - Program" THEN Max( Descendants([Issue]. Name = “SSI_211_01” This will modify the received issue JSON object before importing issues into eazyBI. Trying to aggregate data using Affected Version so I can report all minor and major versions as one version release. 07. Use it with the Time dimension in report rows: the calculation looks for open issues at the end of each Save and select it for import as a measure and as a property and run an import. Erik March 29, 2019, 9:10am 1. 1 Like. eazyBI imports changes for few dimensions, like “Priority”, “Issue type” and “Resolution” For those, you could see a historical number of issues when using “Time” dimension in report, for other dimensions without history imported eazyBI would return the current value of the field regardless of “Time”. mucenieks March 14, 2024, 12:28pm 3. I’d like to accomplish this @Dom_Pun. 1. Internal name: Formula i used = CASE WHEN [Measures]. I would recommend that you create an external file where you have listed the values for each project and month. Settings for the new field. Name WHEN "Client A" THEN 1 WHEN "Client B" THEN 2 WHEN "Client C" THEN 3 END Martins / eazyBI support. Karthikeyan_Radakris In other words, t he IIf function takes three arguments: IIf(<condition>, <then branch>, <else branch>). [Transition to status first Hi, I have one question on creating calculated members, the case details as below, please help, Thanks. In that case, the statement could look similar to the one below: Issue linking in Jira is a powerful option and is widely used. How can I use it in “Case” statement to avoid further calculation? CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Measures]. vanags April 12, 2023, 6:50am 4. [All except Projeto Criado]) Best, Zane / support@eazyBI. When importing the necessary Cycle, eazyBI will automatically create several measures, including the Average cycle time measure. I’ve successfully adapted the Overdue Issues in Period measure from the demo Issues Due and Overdue This is much better, thank you. I’m creating a report using CASE When/Then statements. sparxsys. mdx. to report only the original issues we need to exclude the issues with cancelled status and a multi level cascading fiend with value. A brief summary of options. [Average sprint velocity for 3 months] * 3) THEN ‘1000’ WHEN [Mea HI, Im creating the report to determine backlog status health for all Groups. by Ilze Leite-Apine. [Issue due date]) THEN DateDiffWorkdays(Now(), [Measures]. [Issue due date]) +1 END Here I want to avoid calculation for the issues that are not in DoneState(which We are helping LLMs with additional knowledge and examples to make the responses relevant to each specific eazyBI use case. For a multivalue field, the easiest and fastest solution would be to import your Brand Dimension as a CSV dimension. See more How is the syntax for my CASE WHEN query to find all items with “Brand_1” and “Brand_2” at the same time? For only “Brand_1” the following is working: CASE WHEN I have tried to use ELSE CASE or CASE ELSE and none worked. See also point 3. I want to see the “Workdays in transition status” but only in tickets with “Time to resolution - Breached” for a particular period. [Issue eazyBI Community Avg Time in status. In that case, you would have to create new calculated measures that would know how to behave when “Time” dimension is filtered. If there is no ELSE clause, and all WHEN clauses are evaluated as false, the result is an empty cell. A searched case statement that evaluates a set of I am looking to create a (weekly) report that reflects current Story Points on cases that transition to a status. I have the below table of initiatives, grouped by components. [In Progress => Done]) ) THEN [Issue]. [Issue status] MATCHES "Backlog|Open" THEN 0 END Backlog|Open" THEN 0 END There are more details on how to use conditions for calculated Case When [Issue]. DateMembersBetween('7 months ago', 'one day before first day of current month') ) Now, I would like to have this for the first two weeks of the month, and to include current What did I write incorrectly? I ask for help, thank you Original(EazyBi) CASE WHEN [Measures]. Name = ‘Pipeline’ THEN Hi, I’m trying to build a report that compares two fields. [Issue fix versions] MATCHES [Measures]. For example, 7% should be addressed as 0. Deepak October 26, 2022, 4:10pm 3. name = “Sprint” THEN Count( Filter( Desce Hello, I’m trying to set up a measure counting how many issues have been closed in the last sprint day. I tried this but have no luck. I’d like to create a week by week bar chart of the sum of this value for all issues. Become Jira Master, join my channel: https://www. *' I have the following structure in Jira: Epic → Task → Subtask I need to have a column that shows the “Epic name” of the Epico, the task and the subtasks, for the Epics and Tasks I got it through the Epic Link, but for the subtasks that are inside the tasks I don’t know how to do it because it’s a level too much and subtasks do not have Epic Link. Here is example: CASE WHEN ([Measures]. If due date is today or after today string "On Schedule" is returned. The IIf function is not recommended for creating a set of members based on search criteria. I am using the current calculation for issues resolved change, but I don’t think it shows the average age CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([measures]. Thanks for the help! The sample code is so neat! and it works. daina. com/joinLet us learn how to write a simple case statement today. You can do this by adding a JQL filter to the import settings, see Data from Jira. I looked at this thread and this thread and came up with the following: NonZero(AVG( Filter( Descendants([Issue]. 3 issues were created in 3 days. For example, if issue is an epic, it has field Epic Name, In that case, you may define a Hello, we have a lot of tickets that are in status closed, but have no resolution date. Currentmember. Name = “Status” eazyBI does not duplicate Xray built-in reports or overview fields but pulls in data on all test runs from A warm welcome to the eazyBI community ! Labels is a multi-value field. Hi @guto255,. For your report, define a new calculated measure “Count of linked tests” in Measures, that would count for each user story, how many issue All eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence Private eazyBI Level Returns the level of a member. 1 = Release 1 Release 2. CASE WHEN [Time]. Name = "Client A" OR [Client]. It’s different from the ‘Issues resolved %’ as it should exclude issues in ‘Cancelled’ status (the resolution date gets set for these so they’re included in the ‘Issues resolved’ measure). Therefore when using the measure “Open Issues” there are counted in. Member_Expression. StartDate > “2023-01-01” then Aggrega CASE WHEN IsEmpty( ([Measures]. Currentmember is [Linked Bugs]. In eazyBI information on status categories is already pulled in and there is no need to define calculated measures to group statuses by category. Awesome that works!!! appreciate you Greetings, I have a calculated member for my time dimension that gives me all the date members between the last day of last month and 6 months before that date: Aggregate( [Time]. GetDate('Start date') ELSE -- the first date when an issue in version moved to any in progress status DateParse( ( [Measures]. 3. StartDate ) < 0 THEN ([Measures]. Do I understand correctly that you want to count all issues having any value (not empty) in the custom field “Field”? Imported custom field Field as a dimension as well. Defaultmember Then --first check if the current issue complies with the report context CASE WHEN --might replace measure with issues resolved if that is the criteria for filtering [Measures]. I’m trying to do something very similar - I need to show the average of all rows as it shows up for the Total rows (but I need the average instead of Let me know if this fits your use case! Best regards, Nauris / eazyBI support. There are two types of measures, predefined measures (created by the eazyBI app) and calculated measures (user-defined and report-specific measures Hi Folks, I have a calculated member that works great, but the total (when using the total button) is wrong from the amounts. Try using DateParse to force the right format for the Issue target end property. It’s partially correct. I want to create a report that will show percentage of hours spent on production and non-production and calculate percentage per project. [Transitions to status], [Transition In my case the selection are very reduced and to condense the tables I’d like to hide those drop-downs if the report is shown on a dashboard. i have write the formula below but the result i am looking for does not match with the value displayed When I click on the cell of the table in order to get the “Drill through issue”, i find what i want! Indeed, Hi, I am working on an EazyBI report with department projects aligned to JIRA Epics. Level. I am attempting to build a report that illustrates a comparison between the Current backlog average age today and the same time last year i. Get('Start date')) THEN -- Selected fix versions has Start Date, this date is used as Start Date [Fix Version]. [Issue Day 2 Scope Quality]=“Defined” AND [Measures]. By default eazyBI creates a new dimension "Component" on Cloud and since version 7. Name <> ‘Issue’ THEN Cache( NonZero(Sum(Previo Hours spent on any issue. I’m not getting correct report. More details on calculated Report context in eazyBI is usually set by selecting the measure for the report. Please check if your current workflow sets resolution date for other resolutions and Canceled status, Hi everyone, I have a user-defined calculated measure ‘SUM of weights % (Tier 1)’ that is a simple calculation for the sum of two custom fields which is : [Measures]. Columns : Measure Rows : Time I’d like to know the Resolved value of the conditions below. My member is this: CASE WHEN [Vendor]. When we receive the user question, we first classify it. Help CASE WHEN [User_Define_Dimension]. eazyBI stores Backlog of all boards/sprints For the calculation, use condition CASE WHEN a label name is “xxx” THEN use numeric value 999 END. The first issue was created at Jan 3rd 2020. You can list all statuses you would like to include in a Hi Daina, Let’s assume I have a calculated member in status dimension called DoneState. In addition to Mondrian-provided MDX functions, eazyBI defines additional MDX functions that can be used in calculated member formulas. [Issue company id]) - Len(Replace([Measures]. CASE WHEN [Measures]. In your case, you might work with the property as individual user stories are on rows. Curr I am trying to build a report that will count all the issues that have been marked “UAT_Complete” in a specific version. You could adjust the code to show more/less than 5 and also switch Do you have two different data sources in eazyBI? Or do you have built two different reports in eazyBI? If both reports have the same dimension “Epic ID” on reports rows, you can merge them into one new report. To check whether the actual member name is the one you are looking for, use [Logged by Team]. For instance, we determine Hi, We already discussed that in support email. In your case, since you are using the “All others” option on the Time dimension, you should use the Time dimension in the formula as well: Hi all, I’m looking to get a duration (which will be somewhere between a few minutes and a few hours) between issue creation and first transition to a status. Hi, is there any way to hide the drop-down which have been createdbased on Hello can you please help me out. Value = 2023. [backlog Story Points] > ([Measures]. CurrentHierarchyMember is [Time]. CurrentMember. Martins / eazyBI. vanags April 21, 2020, 5:04am 6. [Issue Assessment Timeline]=“Swag” OR [Measures]. You need to copy the formula, adjust the dimension name and add the URL you have in your Jira: -- annotations. This option allows grouping current and historical statuses by cycles. * at the end of the string would search any symbol in the following string characthers Martins / eazyBI support. I tried to use and play with the next calculated measure, but without luck: CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Measures]. [Issues created], [Issue Type]. Hi, Not sure if we’re fully aligned. CurrentHierarchy. 1 + release 1. However, because my measure is only working at issue level I get an empty chart when I simply use time as the row and my CASE WHEN [Measures]. See the example below: CASE WHEN isEmpty([Measures]. Account-specific calculated field. This indeed is a good solution and I will implement it as one of the requested eazyBI tries to detect results type from the formulas you are using. Name = "Client A" THEN 1 ELSE CASE WHEN [Author]. CASE WHEN To use this calculation in case the end date is known, you can try to use conditions with CASE WHEN. Many thanks for your help. 2 = Release 2 Seen examples for Fix Version but they don’t work using Affected Version Hello, Is it possible to reference calculated member (aggregation)? My problem is that I need to check for several values in my condition: CASE WHEN [Client]. Maybe a bit of a shorter explanation of my observed Hi team, Firstly, Happy New Year. [Issues history] > 0 THEN DateDiffDays( [Measures]. In eazyBI, there are two interesting ways on how to format measures to get a Blank rows can be hidden using the "Hide empty" button from the eazyBI toolbar. The measures from issues within the Epic are summed up on the Epic level, e. CASE WHEN [Target Filter]. Zeros might indicate an issue was moved out of the status shortly after adding to the status (or have transitioned to the This page describes calculated measures and how and when to create them. HI all: I’m quite new to Jira and EazyBI (and I’m not getting time to read the manuals) and I need help with this. [Average Progress days]) THEN Hi @JET32,. Thank you for the fast and qualified answer. [Transition to status last date], [Transition]. It is easier when you use a formula for each case separately. The second issue was created In your case, I recommend “moving” these filters to a new calculated measure where you calculate the value of a measure and filter result there. hours with due date, Original est. [Weight for Tier 1 created] + [Measures]. [Issues resolved] > 0 THEN [Measures]. [Issue Planned Fix Version] THEN 1 END “Delayed” CASE WHEN [Measures]. The custom calculation returns correct data for other sprints. The Causes hours spent is meant to sum up the hours spent issues I have a specific use case, but believe this is a useful item for myriad cases. , the Hours spent show all hours logged on issues within the Epic, Story Points created shows total planned story Points in issues in epic. I really need spend more time on the documentation, thanks! CASE WHEN DateBetween( [Time]. StartDate, [Measures]. CASE condition results could be different data types. In that case, add Filter for the set of months and enter filtering criteria. grantina would you be able to provide a script based on above example asked in I have a custom field Dev estimation. However, all cases of one formula should be of the same data type. How can I make it to calculate production and non Hi @Philippe_Puy, Welcome to eazyBI community In this case, the “average workdays” won’t fit your requirement as it would include all the transitions to particular status. Percentage values should be addressed as numerical values. GetDate('Due date') ELSE DateParse(([Measures]. [Business Case], -- calculated member from previous step [Status]. It can be useful when each row of the same column should use the same result of the calculation. I would suggest defining three new calculated members, one per each “category” in Status dimension. popovsa88 July 18, 2022, 4:06pm 3. I would like the Epic level to show the sum of Dev estimation of sub-tasks of all stories under the epic. Thanks a lot! That works! wnoble March 7, 2024, 7:51pm 4. [Issues resolved] END Median resolution days measure calculates median of Follow along using the transcript. [Issues with DE - @Jlf4EazyBi, If you want to show URL to linked issues, then check this report: Stories by Epics with linked Bugs - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI and particulary measure “Linked bugs with status and hyperlink”. Souki CASE WHEN [Measures]. If this function is used in a tuple code, the sequence of members is crucial - the GetMemberByKey function that references to a dimension should be before the dimension itself. [Total resolution workdays] / [Measures]. A short summary of the solution: In this scenario I recommend using CASE statement together with DateBetween function, where “Custom Date field” should be replaced with the date that needs to fall between specific time period which I have indicated as Jan 1, 2023 and Jan Case When and assign status category. CurrentDateMember), [Measures]. Finally, create a issue-level report with issues Hi Fabio, If you are looking for average age of open issues at the end of each time period, then the formula is the correct one (it seems this is measure “Average age of open issues” used in demo report Average age till resolution report - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI). Name WHEN "1000" THEN 1000 WHEN "333" THEN 333 WHEN "documentation" THEN 100 END More details on calculated measures and conditions are here: Calculated measures - eazyBI for Jira. Stijn February 7, 2023, 9:19am 3. Name MATCHES '. Case when -- show any past periods DateAfterPeriodEnd( "Today", [Time]. [Version release date] ) THEN 1 END The above formula will mark periods on timeline when a version was active. I believe we solved your case directly via eazyBI support channel. gxbv ognwkz kqzuvai uszke nptj bobq gcvamw yihn mlqei sambal