Off meta bot picks. Zil + Veigar is the ultimate cancer lane.
Off meta bot picks It's not good. g KogMaw) then you can amplify their damage and make it easier to chase them down. One funky game per month likely won't screw you up too much, after all. A single morg Q easily chains into yuumi R and then Morgana E for like 5 seconds straight of CC. 14 votes, 44 comments. The best one being Sion, and Ornn and Naut doing ok. Lux bot as well (it actually has the highest win rate of any bot laner with a decent sample size, played more than Varus, and not always lux/sona) Neeko-she is as strong as meta picks and with her E being better version of Zyra E, she is good as long as we consistently land it. It's not close to being good. Jul 31, 2022 · However, if you’re the type of player that likes to shake things up from time to time, this doesn’t always have to be the case. i want everyone that picks off meta pick on bottom (in ranked) to go fuck off and play rust like the toxic trash they are. To expand on this start even more, take smite and jg item. That said, I hope you enjoyed this long list of off-meta jungle picks. Disguising as your adc or jg to set up an engage is the best thing ever when it succeeds. Then there are common off meta champs like cheese tanks with Maokai, Malph, Shen, Ornn, etc. I tried to make sure most champs have a part in this list so feel free to CTRL-F your mains. But internally, I'm making a sacrifice in the draft. Always up-to-date, U. Akali Feb 16, 2022 · Playing the same Meta Champs over and over can get mundane very quickly. rumble apc is a lot of fun, you build pretty much the same as vanilla rumble, with either rocketbelt or harvester as mythic start e level 1 to safely farm from a distance, and level 2 either go q and look for trades with e q e or go w if you're getting poked a lot and want to play more safe early on, at level 3 wear down your lane opponents with e q e then use w shield so that they can't Hi, I am a top/supp main who sometimes likes to jungle, and as I do for my main roles, I like to pick off meta/weird picks So far I have tested Thresh, Ornn, Renekton, Sion, Nautilus, Cho'Gath and Galio. It works really well as a counterpick into engage supports. Darien with dumb builds like Muramana Aatrox and Wizard Lizard. She's a lane bully early on but with non existent utility other than the ability to check bushes without dying and a kit that demands gold to stay relevant she's the very definition of win lane lose game. Recently I've been playing quite a bit of tank lissandra support and she seems to be on the strong side. so im looking for some strategy to lose the bounty without soft throwing the game. This makes him one of the best off-meta Overall, I honestly wouldn't sweat off-meta games unless you repeatedly see the same off-meta picks again and again. To join Free Tournaments at repeat. What Makes a Viable Off-Meta Bottom Lane Pick. What are your fun crazy off-meta picks? one thing i really love about ranked is that i challenge myself to do creative picks while still climb! i love ap sejuani mid and W evolve liandry's khazix top. He can summon turrets, deal burst damage, and stun multiple enemies at once. gg, The Ruined King's jungle win rate in Patch 11. [ENGSUB] T1 Keria on playing Ezreal, Hwei, Ashe and more: "It may seem like I'm picking random fun picks that I personally want to play. gg click the link http://rpt. Jul 31, 2022 · Some people might call this a “devil’s pick”, but a Teemo, as an off meta bot lane pick, can destroy certain matchups, especially enemy champions that heavily rely on auto-attacks. After playing hundreds of games on the same meta picks just to get masters in korea, I'd much rather play other picks that I can have I'll literally walk top, finish off the top laner who just killed my own - go mid ER the jungler under his tower, go bot and take the tower and ready for all-in in the next 20s. ly/35Z1NhySUBSCR lethality yorick mid vs mages and assassins. That said I’ve been successful with using an AP build so long as I do it into the right enemy comp, it’s easily countered when it goes against the wrong champs. ziggs support and perma poke ; disengage vs engagers using W ; prevent enemy bot from leaching XP while staying back at range letting your adc farm. But is she?, not because she is a good midlaner but because she hard counters many of the top pickrate champions. Just keep in mind that most of the top lane enemies have a tendency to be on the tanky side, which means that your burst junglers might not have the damage required to eliminate the target. Similar champion to this is Teemo as a support, except so much more painful to deal with! Quinn gets a pass in the bot lane because she isn’t as much of a bully there, but Teemo trades her roam for the poison and map control and general tilt factor. So there you have it – the top 10 best off-meta support champions in LoL. Today, we are going to give you a list of the best off meta mid picks. It’s one thing when it’s a Teemo support going mid like that one challenger troll, it’s another thing entirely when your ADC goes AP support kaisa and leaves your Yuumi support solo in bot lane. You can build mage if the lane goes well and fall back on enchanter items if it's not. How? With off meta picks! These 5 are just an example, we will update this article every once in a while, but with the current meta, you want to try out these off meta picks right now. You never know when you’ll discover the Taliyah is my personal favorite off meta support. More LoL Galleries: Join the discord: https://discord. The dmg you can output is unmatched in the botlane. For many champions on this list you have a variety of builds to use, but mine focus on giving you as many advantages as possible. Facing the same mage matchups repeatedly can become stale. gg/wfnRHNn7WZThanks as always to Casadorr/AlkemyDesign for the thumbnail. Champions like Samira also play much like a Melee in a lot of ways. And all of these qualities make him a great off-meta support pick in LoL! Meta means "most effective tactic", and if singed is the most op champion then singed is meta. Happychimenoises has made a lot of videos about off meta picks like sion invade smite support, pyke mid, yuumi top, etc that reach high elo. Need help in rank? Check out these cheap boosting options and get the rank you deserve! Melee Bruisers: Mar 2, 2024 · Throughout the years, many AP champions have been meta and off-meta picks for the bot lane in League of Legends. I considered trying Olaf out, but his mana problems worry me. HappyChimeNoises provides pretty good off meta picks. But I really miss playing my chunky chime muncher and was wondering - Are there any good off-meta duo bot lanes that we could go that includes bard? Fun duo bot meta OP pick Haven't played league in a while, I just feel like playing something stupid and funny on bot with a friend that can actually be OP, I remember the last time it was like Taric+Lee We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I made a post a month ago on this sub, compiling people's favourite off meta, Wombo combo bot lanes. If you are in a duo, you can co ordinate so that you can roam like a bard for kills up mid and ult back down to bot lane for another gank back into lane. In my recent ten games i met a lot of troll/ off meta supports. Oct 10, 2024 · In time, many of the best off-meta picks in LoL become the norm. Well as long as the champ got some sort of CC, peel or poke it can be played off meta in support. Specifically bot lane, not having a ranged consistent damage carry that can push towers from a distance is a huge hindrance and they often do poorly. I love seeing them get fed and carrying the game to victory. Jan 6, 2025 · Since Karthus’ abilities can grant vision in bushes, that is a plus for the bot lane. I do not recommend it into vanguard or general tank supports. The EU meta however was good at being consistent, so this was favored over the "cheesy" kill or nothing 2 fighter strat. Off-meta already means you're not planning on using a hammer. Now if your question is whether playing off meta supports will get you penalized, then the answer is no it won't, as long as you're trying your best to win and are not toxic, you won't be penalized even if you play off meta. not sure if you can classify graves as ‘interesting’ but he’s a viable pick that works well in bot lane due to his armour resistances, blind, and agency throughout the whole game Reply reply Jan 3, 2022 · The most fun Bot Lane combos in League typically rely on two abilities working in tandem in a way that the enemy just isn't ready as both of their ults are great for picking off a single Jul 31, 2022 · When paired with Junglers that don’t have CC, Taric is one of the best off meta top picks. Finally, it has its own strategic advantages. Rumble support is a pick ive been playing recently with good results. People don't like off meta picks because most of the time they don't work, I'm not saying they never work but I'm just saying that most of the time if that person played meta he would perfrom better, although some off meta picks become meta when high elo players realize their potential so it's certainly something to think about. Your W reduces enemy MR and slows, so if you pair up with an AP bot laner (e. I take exau and it just makes a safe lane that much more safe. LoL Related Reading: Best Off-Meta Mid Laners; Best Off-Meta Top Laners; Best Off-Meta Junglers pick any 2 of these Lux, lulu, sona, morgana, taric, janna, karma, yummi, rakan, lee sin, ori. Going for a tanky support build with aftershock, you provide tons of utility with your taunt and ult. Not super off meta, just a mage bot tbf. Has some weaknesses. Especially with enchanters getting pushed out of the meta a bit. r/OffMeta: Discuss League of Legends off-meta builds. And since MF has virtually no way to escape a bad situation, it often leads to some disasters in bot lane. One of you lands a stun and it’s a guaranteed follow up from the other, cc chain the enemies and by the time they can move they’re either 1 HP with no summons or dead. Heimerdinger, Syndra, Vlad, Karma and Brand for example. Despite Vayne being Vayne we still bullied the crap out of her and it was the most fun Ive ever had in bot lane. They did this in a finals match. A VERY off meta combo I like to use with my friend is Camille Tahm Kench (Camille is the ADC). They normally can just tank E without a doubt. What are your favorite cheesy picks to pair with Nami bot? Here are some of Mine: Cassiopeia (IMO insanely good combo for when your team locks in full AD topside) Yasuo Wukong Senna Ziggs Saying that Vayne bot is off-meta is pretty silly, seeing how she's currently one of the highest win rate bot laners. My friend and I have recently done pyke/karma, sona/taric, teemo/shaco all in the bot lane. One of my games I had support malphite Another I had lee sin I also had a sivir support Last but not least I had a lilia support I don't understand the mentality of the people making these picks. " See full list on gamerant. Pros Good all around champ especially against engage supports. I like different comps in the bot lane that could either really work of fail miserably. I have a versatile champion pool. Everything is reportable lmao, nothing is stopping your team for reporting you just for typing "GLHF". So I'm picking them to create draft advantages. I'm thinking soraka into tf or ammumu into teemo. Most ADC’s have no real answer to Viktor E, you outrange to harass and also shove way harder. Anivia pretty good with her wall being a nice way to punish bad positioning or engages. In bot you avoid a lot of the melee skirmisher mids that have kill threat on him. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Kayle support is just a heal bot in lane. Whole youtube channel is about off meta/troll builds that reach challenger/master elo. They are the source of consistent AD damage during fights, which means if you play something Urgot sup is the classic off meta sup and works great. Singed and Taric are both known for being extremely hard scaling champions. Ashe is the fotm off meta support pick but you can also force plenty of other adcs into support with AP MF, AP Twitch, AP Varus, AP Zeri, Lethality Jhin. But some off meta picks are situational so I don’t always think it’s a good idea to play her, like if I have mord top and Annie mid. Players usually do not have much experience playing against non-Meta picks. Double jungle composition (give blue to Urgot who proceeds to 1v2 bot, then Ali + Lee jungle terrorises everyone else). The standard off meta picks at bot are generally mages. Fortunately, there are a couple of picks that are perfectly viable in the bottom lane that can turn the laning phase (and subsequent stages of the game) on its head! The current meta allows for a little bit of unhinged craziness. All of these picks are strong in their primary role but they can carry games from the top lane too. The good picks are the versatile ones. Since many players like to stick to the meta rather than find creative ways theirself, I wonder what are some off meta picks, their runes, build, playstyle that makes them playable enough to be considered not troll. A Tier- Best picks not only for off meta, but in the whole game B Tier- Good picks that are high risk high reward and can either ruin the game, or 1v9 it I'm currently looking for some unconventional bot lane combinations to play in the current version of the game. Maybe there's a champion that's not typically played in the bot lane or a combination of champions that haven't been tried before. Conclusion. Poppy- great anti-dash champ and tank-but deals good damage. But in low elo that doesn't matter too much. Option 1: Veig is sped up and you get stuck in his box then you’re dead. R is great for team fights. League doesn't offer a lot of variety, so you will need to create it yourself. Jun 13, 2022 · It's getting boring, playing the same champions in the same lanes. Shen support used to be my favorite off-meta pick. Jul 9, 2021 · Although she’s one of the best LoL off-meta supports, choosing MF support can be a risky play — it’ll leave your bot lane team without any form of hard crowd control most of the time. Haven't got the chance to try it with the new support item system, but the previous season it was really fun and actually good Neeko. Their popularity usually skyrockets on certain patches (when Riot Games buffs them) but they’re always great pocket picks to have as an ADC main or an off-role player. Let's first look at the problems they would have in the bot lane individually: What off meta pick bot lane would be worth to consider? As title say, I play Taric but supporting normal marksman can be rough considering how often your E go wasted and you can't blind pick Taric in every situation because of that and the chance to be counter picked to oblivion. This isn’t the optimal use for Jax. Could easily be in the tier above. I actually really enjoy playing Morde support as an off meta. Each combo listed below includes two funniest names that go well with each other. Yorick jungle with full damage having near unparalleled objective control. She’s got a long root that goes through the wave and can use her w to set it up, good poke, her ultimate is super OP, and her passive and w make for some great mind games. When I'm playing solo q, I really don't mind weird picks on bot because I can always play Yuumi and make it work (I'm not an otp, but she's very fixed in my main champ pool). Who are some off meta picks you'd absolutely love to try Yuumi with? I love having fun and would love to explore more. It's been a long time since I made one of these. You pretty much build the same items you would normally build on another lane (black cleaver, spirit visage) with the exception of the sup item, of course and iceborn gauntlet which is pretty useful for tanking, cc and doing some extra AA damage. Aug 13, 2021 · Today, we’ll be taking a look at the overall best off-meta ADC in LoL, as well as some runner-ups. Mar 2, 2024 · And so, this opens the door for lots of off-meta top laners! In this post, I’ll list the 15 best off-meta top laners you can play in LoL. Nov 9, 2023 · However, in a unique twist on years-long established meta strategies, some of the most successful and popular bot lane champion picks include unexpected, off-meta champions. Tahm Kench, Cho, Rumble and Zilean come to mind. i I used Olaf sup with arcane comet a few times and stomped the other team's bot lane pretty bad. Happy Chime Noises on YouTube highlights a lot of off meta picks, and I've had fun (and some success!) playing them. From here, there are off meta, but still perfectly viable picks. All I do is go check my Winrate, which at its peak was 63% now 57%, and that usually ends the questioning. Meta isn't something simple, since for example poppy would seem like a top tier midlane pick. Sej is the opposite. If you do see the same off-meta pick repeatedly, then you should get enough experience playing against the pick to hold your own. Some other off meta supports I personally want to try: Heimerdeiger as the fake Zyra of bot lane. Slightly off meta: Warwick Olaf Rengar Cassio Anivia Vayne Ryze Kalista Sylas Akali Pretty Off meta: Draven Ashe Morgana Blitzcrank Thresh Azir Galio Veigar Caitlyn Ezreal Senna Soraka Super off meta: Yuumi Sona Janna Taric Khazix Leona Tank Ekko (probably will be much stronger in the preseason) Nautilus Pyke I personally love going Yuumi with Off-meta ADC picks, i. bad vs long range raw damage supports, like xerath. Heimerdinger is a champion of many talents. Nov 19, 2024 · Its a mid bot, it works Tier 7 I dont really want to explain these picks, they're mid (and like sometimes top) and work great bot but I find explaining it pointless 8 Feb 11, 2023 · Rekkles was one of the first to pick a off meta bot in pro play|©Riot Games Off-Meta Bot: Singed & Taric: Synergies & How To Play. Mages as supports are mostly noob traps. I take relic shield and just run standard Morde build/runes. Last night me and a friend of mine played Full Ap Malphite and Full tank Sion in bot lane against a Vayne and a Bard. These “right-click champions”, as some may call it, are rendered useless for a good while because of Teemo’s Blinding Dart. 1. so ive been playing a very pyke like strategy with reksai support (its really fun, v high risk, v high reward) but when my games go really well i accumulate a bounty very fast and come late mid game i fall off very hard and am GOING to die, and if the wrong person gets the bounty that can flip the winning game. Not only can these picks bring a little variety into your games, but they can have some really effective strategies that may net you some sweet, sweet LP. GG takes a data science approach to the best champion duos in bot and mid jungle for Patch 15. Similar level to those meta mid laners that always fall at the bottom of the tier list. Mar 10, 2021 · According to Champion. com Jul 25, 2020 · However, I'm suggesting you think outside the meta for a second, where you can find incredibly fun combinations of Mages, Bruisers, and even Assassins to bring into the Bot lane. The only Duo Tier list you need for the newest patch. If you can get lots of autos off Beserker boots are worth it. This is the second iteration of this list, composing of an influx of Kill lanes but also some equally heroic meme bot lanes. Mar 2, 2024 · Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports in League of Legends (Exotic Picks) 15. Let’s get started. Ability path is E > Q > W Example Build Give me some off-meta bot lane options! Duoing with a yuumi main, usually play bruisers when I don’t feel like adcing, but I’ve been running out of ideas on surprisingly strong picks. Defensive boots might save your life though, if someone is ridiculously fed than play smart against them. M Most supports are squishy, so the specific counter to the EU meta was of course established with placing 2 fighters bot lane to exploit their early game weakness. Ahri went from being completely neglected to a priority pick in League of Legends after her mini-rework. Once Morg has stopwatch or zhonya you can pull the combo off with basically maximum dps (yuumi can still cast) from perfect safety. most off-meta supports can be amazing in the right conditions and the good ones don't rely on too much gold. Sep 16, 2023 · Comparable to weak meta midlaners Tier 2. gg/happychimenoises (AD)This video is a huge tierlist of ALL the off-Meta picks in League One of the best voice-channel enabled combinations, you can pull off some insane combos with this duo. But how do these off meta mid laners work? We’re going to take a closer look at these LoL champions to find out… Also read: Best Off-Meta Zil + Veigar is the ultimate cancer lane. Those are the most "meta" ways to play melee bot. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Also read: Best Off Meta ADCs. Dec 15, 2020 · Top 5 off-meta picks on League Of Legends patch 10. Written by Natalia Makarski Illaoi and sej are my favorite off meta picks Illaoi has massive poke potential with E and can act as a damage sponge. Mar 20, 2022 · THE TOP 10 BEST BOT COMPS WE'VE RUN SO FAR (OFF META IDEAS)League of Legends season 12 Zwag and Heiz gameplay!SUBSCRIBE TO ZWAG: https://bit. If your support player likes to play fasting Senna, then that opens up a bunch of champions in bot that are good to take and farm with. Contrary to popular belief, the Meta is pretty malleable and can easily change, so it’s good to experiment. Varus and twitch are 2 Jul 25, 2020 · However, I'm suggesting you think outside the meta for a second, where you can find incredibly fun combinations of Mages, Bruisers, and even Assassins to bring into the Bot lane. My question is, is double tank bot lane a viable off-meta pick for duos or should I keep that weird crap in normals? People have been trying to make support Neeko a thing since she was released. This article includes 150 names epic existing and new combo suggestions that will help you to play effectively and efficiently in a fun environment. ADC plays a very crucial role in every game. And yea I wouldn’t call them off-meta adc/apc, call them bot until they carry because they certainly would play like an actual bot as well. It was good for some time in previous seasons, but now he Galio support is really fun. Heimerdinger. Mar 2, 2024 · Not only are these picks fun to try out, but they can carry games in their own way. Throw off your enemies with an off-meta pick that can carry your game, or just give yourself a fun challenge with these five uncommon champ builds in League of Legends. LeBlanc supp might potentially become really strong again, with the planned buffs to her. I normally pick it with an ezreal or something so arcane shift + heal + movement speed means he's safe enough for me to use ult aggressively, plus he can farm even if u get zoned off wave. Orianna is amazing, as she's the mix of an enchanter and an actual mage. Jun 3, 2022 · Off-meta Attack Damage (AD) Ahri. You’d be surprised how many BEST OFF META- The best off meta pick for the current meta, is very good and fun and is the best for climbing. After that, get I main Seraphine APC and every game people question my pick. Option 2: You get slowed and get stuck in veigs box then you’re dead. Taunt dash makes for good roaming ganks W blocks aa good against Cait headshot or Draven poke aa Cons need map awareness Yasuo is also very often played in the bot lane. I find her to be a better blind pick and imo a sleeper pick. I'm interested in hearing any suggestions, no matter how off-meta they may be. Again this is off meta picks, not meta. i just went into a game and had a mf support and akali adc so when mf died to her like 5 times i couldnt do anything and my team was also feeding everyone else on the map. or weird interactions with a Bot Lane partner. Nov 27, 2023 · Off-Meta Bot: Sylas & Taric: Synergies & How To Play On your first back, you should definitely pick up a Tear to manage your mana better. Jayce with aery, your melee e cancels most engages and you have a strong poke(+ you ranged e procs aery on allies). Why is there not an option to report off-meta picks? It puts the whole team at a disadvantage to the point where it's hard to get anywhere. Are there any off-meta Champs that you guys are enjoying or having success with. Some I've tried are; Akshan (early pressure and spam ganking with invis) Mordekaiser (honestly just good) Taric (surprising duel potential. Decent picks, may have some bad mus. can always come back to lane ulting adc or other lanes, useful ultimate in general. poke them out of oblivion and push / rush towers and switch lanes. Does shen things. But they're both really fun - and it's a game after all. 5. I also like pekinwoof his channel is definitely not about off meta picks but he provides good educational mid lane gameplay. A few months ago you could have definitely made that point, but atm she's very much on-role in bot lane. Given they can easily 2v1 with the sustain and increased damage that she gives. There's optimal, "meta champs" for that. Playing an Off-Meta ADC is a bit riskier than other lanes. We hope this list helps you find the off-meta support champion you’ve been looking for. Jan 25, 2024 · If you don’t like to play support champions, have a look at the 10 best off meta junglers. We’ll go over what’s considered best for them in an unfavorable season and why you might want to consider giving them a try. Syndra bot is op with a hook support, not really off meta though. A bit greedy but really fun if you can pull it off Sep 17, 2024 · Why Go Off-Meta? Traditional mages feel limited by cooldowns, while auto-attack reliant champions offer consistent damage output. 3 floats below 48 percent (Platinum+), compared to his 50% win rate in the mid lane. Also, he's just fun to play. There is a reason to pick these over a meta midlaner. He commentate each play and often plays off meta picks. Off-meta is to cheese the enemy, make them face something they're not used to. And I’ll also give you the runes and items that give you the biggest advantage for doing that. 3 and it was very well received by the community. Enchanter Kayle(buy a tear on first back, sell it late game) with aery/guardian on different matchups. Frankly she’s about as meta as off-meta gets, and for good reason. S Tier- Top 5 picks that currently beat the meta, and is the best for climbing. As for split pushing what your goal is is to be a menace that they constantly have to keep in mind. Blue reliant until you learn to clear) Ornn (never recall, surprising ganks past 6) Genja dubbed “Timelord” because of off-meta builds that became meta like Triforce Kog. In terms of funoff-meta Supports who are currently strong, Zoe support is a Sep 12, 2022 · List of 150+ Funny Bot Lane Combos | Unique, Epic, Fun Bot, Dirty Weird Bot Combos 2022. this is comming from the bottom of my heart. The point is that the person isn’t playing “off meta” they are flat out griefing. Looking for off meta picks that are not adcs to try bot lane. 25 #5 - Urgot - Top Lane Viktor bot is another pick spawned originally in Korea. e, Annie, Kayle, Ahri, Riven, etc. Shen support. But mute, ignore, and pick a relatively independent support that has better team fight potential than supporting supports, just so you can scale without your off-meta bot. Riot Games released her mini-rework in LoL Patch 12. If you pick someone off with the legendary Vayne E + Flash to re-position into an Anivia wall that's placed sometime in between the two spells, that's a viral video for sure. You get gold and xp off of the enemy bot side jg, putting them really behind letting your jungler take more and more. And I hope you’ll give some of them a shot in your games. These picks have yielded positive results in my games. We regularly get picks in lane without losing more than 30% of morgs health (mid gold). Doesn't need to be the best, just solid enough to lane and be… Of course for both picks - especially twisted fate - there are certain, unfortunately meta, counters that will just shut you down and it won't be a skill diff. The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. they have such unique playstyles and it feels great to pilot them. exsvr moadlcw bpkow myjitf uysjpwy sguci vqg qyzp jegb nwwjol
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